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The Les Mobile


Thank you for visiting our virtual gallery and taking a journey with us to meet an Army of Lovers.

Use the scrollbar located below the panels to advance to each panel. If you wish to learn more about a particular person and listen to their audio interview, click on the panel.

Army of Lovers
Cyndia Cole
Nancy Pollak
Nora Randall
Christopher Moore
Viola Thomas
Nym Hughes
Stepping Out of Line: A Workbook on Lesbianism and Feminism
Nila Gupta
Laurel Kimbley-Stone
Vancouver Lesbian Mothers Defense Fund
Marsha Ablowitz
Beth E. Brant
Pat Hogan
Betsy Spaulding
Dorothy Riddle
Esther Shannon
Ellen Woodsworth
barbara findlay
Mary-Woo Sims
Full Circle Coffeehouse